Should an event have to be cancelled due to threatening weather conditions, safety is the most important thing. If any of the threatening weather conditions listed below are present the day of the event, the event may be delayed or cancelled.
Threatening Weather Conditions
The race may be cancelled or delayed if any of the following weather conditions exist: Tornado Warning, Tornado Watch, Thunderstorm, "Heavy" Rain, other major weather condition. We want all athletes to be safe and we have a responsibility to protect any trail systems we may be using so others may enjoy them in the future.
Delayed start
We will do our best to stay up to date on any weather changes that are happening. If we feel the weather will let up, we may choose to delay the start of the race to see if the conditions will change. If conditions remain the same or worsen then the event will be cancelled.
Who will cancel the event?
The Race Director, along with the city and the local law enforcement, has the authority to cancel the event. If threatening weather conditions force cancellation of the event, no refunds can be provided, since funds were already spent in preparation for race day.
In the event of cancellation, information will be sent to athletes on how they can receive their event t-shirt.
How will you be notified?
If the event is cancelled all athletes will be notified by email and information will be posted on social media outlets.
Refund Policy
Because there are many fees that go into the planning and preparation prior to an event happening there will be no refunds for any reason. Transfer of a an event registration to another individual are permitted up until 2 weeks prior to the event.